Research in Orthopedics
The Influence of the Forearm Muscles on Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability
The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is crucial for the rotational movement of the forearm, as well as for power and load transfer. Torque movements and other activities that put stress on the wrist lead to a physiological anteroposterior shift in the DRUJ. Little was known about the importance and relative contribution of musculoskeletal units to the stabilization of this joint. We quantified the influence of the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) and the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) muscles on DRUJ stability. The anteroposterior ulnar head translation in relation to the radius was measured sonographically when the forearm was in a neutral resting position and when the hand was actively pressed onto a surface. This was done with and without intentional FCU and ECU activation, with monitoring by an electromyogram. Data on 40 healthy participants indicated a mean anteroposterior translation in the distal radioulnar joint of 4.1 mm (SD 1.08) without and 1.2 mm (SD 0.54) with muscle activation. Our results indicate that intentional ulnar forearm muscle activation results in 70 % less anteroposterior ulnar head translation and greater DRUJ stability. Therefore, the FCU and ECU muscles serve as dynamic stabilizers of the DRUJ.
The findings of this study have several clinical implications: Targeting this specific synergistic muscle group for strength training may be appropriate in postoperative rehabilitation programs for patients with DRUJ instability or in other similar clinical scenarios. It may also serve as a conservative therapy option. A corresponding training program has been designed and will be evaluated in further studies.

© 2023, SAGE Publications
Dynamische DRUG-Stabilisatoren
Über den Beitrag muskulotendinöser Einheiten zur Stabilisierung des distalen Radioulnargelenks (DRUG) war bisher wenig bekannt. Wir konnten den Einfluss von Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) und extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) auf die DRUG-Stabilität quantifizieren. Die anteroposteriore (ap) Translation des Ulnakopfs in Relation zum Radius wurde sonografisch gemessen – mit und ohne willkürliche Aktivierung von FCU und ECU. Unsere Ergebnisse an 40 gesunden Probanden zeigen, dass die willkürliche Aktivierung der ulnaren Vorderarmmuskulatur zu 70 % geringerer ap-Translation des Ulnakopfs und grösserer DRUGStabilität führt. Daraus schliesst sich, dass FCU und ECU als dynamische Stabilisatoren des DRUGs dienen. Dies hat klinische Implikationen: Gezieltes Training der synergistischen Muskelgruppen FCU/ECU kann für postoperative Rehabilitation bei DRUGInstabilität sinnvoll oder konservative Therapieoption sein. Ein entworfenes Trainingsprogramm wird weiter evaluiert.
At a Glance
Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability
Key Collaborators
Project lead: Dr. med. Andreas Weber
PD Dr. med. Lisa Reissner
Dr. med. Susanne Friedl
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Schweizer
Departments and Partners
Balgrist University Hospital: Hand Surgery Unit, Dept. of Neurology
Clinical Relevance
Rehabilitation program for patients with DRUJ instability
Further Information
> Sage Journal