Research in Orthopedics
Optimizing Biomaterial Designs for Better and Faster Healing

© 2023 The Authors (Advanced Healthcare Materials; Vol.12, No. 7, March 2023)
The Laboratory for Orthopedic Biomechanics is driving advances in patient healing through innovative biomaterial design. Our dedicated team has developed a state-of-the-art research platform that features biomaterials with adjustable biomechanical characteristics, which closely mimic the physical and chemical properties of soft musculoskele-
tal tissues. These innovative materials are revealing how materials can be engineered to interact with human tissue in powerful ways to promote healing and regeneration.
By fine-tuning these biomaterial properties, our researchers can precisely influence the behavior of human cells. This precise control is crucial for directing the repair and regeneration of tissues, leading to more effective healing processes. The insights gained from our research are significantly enhancing our understanding of the pivotal role that biomaterial design plays in healing, revealing that the right materials can dramatically improve the outcomes of surgical implants. This groundbreaking work by the laboratory is leading to the development of next-generation implants that not only minimize scarring but also enhance the functional recovery of tissues. These advancements are crucial for patients suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, offering them hope for a faster and more complete recovery. This important work in the Balgrist research department is setting new benchmarks in the field of regenerative medicine. We are not only improving current surgical outcomes but also shaping the future of surgeries with our pioneering research. This work ensures that future medical procedures will yield better results for patients not only in Switzerland but also across the globe.
Bessere Heilung durch Design
Das Labor für Orthopädische Biomechanik der UZH/ETH ist führend darin, die Heilung von Patienten durch die Gestaltung von Biomaterialien zu verbessern. Unser Team hat eine hochmoderne Forschungsplattform entwickelt, die Biomaterialien mit anpassbaren biomechanischen Eigenschaften umfasst. Diese Materialien imitieren exakt die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften weicher muskuloskelettaler Gewebe. Durch die Feinabstimmung dieser Eigenschaften lernen wir, wie man Biomaterialien auswählt, die das Verhalten von Zellen und die Gewebereparatur besser beeinflussen. Die Erkenntnisse vertiefen unser Verständnis erheblich, wie das Design von Biomaterialien die Heilungsprozesse beeinflussen kann. Diese Forschung führt nicht nur zu besseren Implantaten, die Narbenbildung reduzieren und Gewebefunktionen verbessern, sondern setzt auch neue Standards in der regenerativen Medizin. Die Arbeit der Forschungsgruppen ebnet den Weg für zukünftig erfolgreichere Operationen, von denen Patienten profitieren.
At a Glance
Advanced Orthopedic Biomaterial Research
Key Collaborators
Project lead: Prof. Dr. Jess Snedeker
Dr. Amro Hussien, PhD
Departments and Partners
Balgrist University Hospital, Dept. of Orthopedic Biomechanics, Laboratory for Orthopedic Biomechanics, University of Zurich (UZH) and ETH Zurich
Clinical Relevance
Our discoveries reveal new ways to design implant materials for better healing outcomes.
Further Information
> Laboratory of Biomechanic Orthopedics