Research in Orthopedics
Lumbar Radicular Pain: Manual Therapy versus Nerve Root Injection

The SALuBRITY Trial aims to investigate two common treatments for back-related leg pain — spinal manual therapy and cortisone injections — to understand the extent to which they improve pain, function, and quality of life in patients with sciatica. This is a randomized double-placebo-controlled study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the European Centre for Chiropractic Research Excellence (ECCRE). The main study will compare spinal manual therapy versus corticosteroid nerve root injection in terms of effects on pain, function, quality of life, and patient satisfaction. The study includes a “Patient and Public Involvement” subproject with the aim of improving the research quality and relevance through consultation and collaboration with patients and primary care physicians.
The results of SALuBRITY will be directly applicable to the Swiss setting, and will assist patients, clinicians, and policymakers in their decisions on lumbosacral radicular pain treatment, helping to improve patient care in Switzerland and worldwide. Results of the trial will contribute to the development of clinical practice guidelines and inform evidence-based recommendations on the use of spinal manual therapy and steroid nerve root injection as part of routine clinical care.
SALuBRITY-Studie: manuelle Therapie versus Nervenwurzelinjektion
Wir untersuchen zwei gängige Behandlungsmethoden bei Ischias-Beschwerden, Chiropraktik und Kortisoninjektionen, um herauszufinden, wie weit sie Schmerzen, Funktion und Lebensqualität von Ischias-Patientinnen und -Patienten verbessern. Es handelt sich um eine randomisierte, doppelt placebokontrollierte Studie. Die Ergebnisse der SALuBRITY-Studie werden direkt auf die Schweiz übertragbar sein und bieten Betroffenen, Ärzten und politischen Entscheidungsträgern verbesserte Informationen für Therapieentscheidungen. Dies wird die Gesundheitsversorgung von Patienten mit Ischias-Schmerzen optimieren.
At a Glance
Key Collaborators
Project lead: PD Dr. Cesar A. Hincapié, DC PhD
Dr. Javier Muñoz Laguna, DC MSc
Dr. med. chiro. Léonie Hofstetter
Prof. Dr. med. Reto Sutter
Prof. Dr. Lauren Clack, PhD
Prof. Dr. med. et phil. Milo A Puhan
Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad, MPH
Departments and Partners
Balgrist University Hospital:
Musculoskeletal Epidemiology Research
University Spine Centre Zurich
Dept. of Radiology
University of Zurich:
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute
Inst. for Implementation Science in Health Care
Clinical Relevance
Improve pain, function, and quality of life in patients with sciatica
Further Information
The SALuBRITY randomized clinical trial