Research in Anesthesiology
Perioperative Neuropathic Pain— Nerve Sonography for Prevention?
Chronic pain is common and often severely impacts patients' quality of life and ability to work. This results in immense costs for the economy. Pathological findings that can be visualized sonographically in the nerve architecture and a detectable altered nerve course can provide important, previously unrecognized clues to the cause of neuropathic pain. The importance of ultrasound in the assessment of peripheral nerves has been recognized only slowly in recent years. In our Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, and Pain Therapy at Balgrist University Hospital, diagnostic nerve ultrasound is crucial for evaluating patients with neuropathic pain. Postoperative neuropathic pain can often be caused by nerve irritation or injury in the surgical area, which can be detected sonographically. In the past, the course of individual nerves could not be taken into consideration when choosing surgical access routes. Neither the imaging technology nor the knowledge of how to detect the small cutaneous nerves were available. High-resolution nerve ultrasound can be used not only to assess postoperative neuropathic pain, but also has a great potential for the preoperative identification of individual nerve courses. In an initial study on volunteers, we were able to demonstrate the high variability of the courses of nerves in the lower leg and foot and the risk of their damage by standard surgical approaches.
In a further study, nerve tracts in patients will be identified and marked on the skin to help foot surgeons adapt their procedures and thus reduce nerve damage and postoperative neuropathic pain.

Prävention chronischer Schmerzen
Die Prävention chronischer postoperativer neuropathischer Schmerzen ist ein wichtiges Forschungsgebiet. Eine neue Herangehensweise besteht darin, mittels Nervensonographie das Risiko von Nervenschäden zu verringern. Durch Nervensonographie kann der individuelle Nervenverlauf sichtbar gemacht und somit bei der Operation berücksichtigt werden. In der Abteilung für Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin und Schmerztherapie der Universitätsklinik Balgrist ist der diagnostische Nervenultraschall entscheidend für die Beurteilung von neuropathischen Schmerzen. Postoperative neuropathische Schmerzen werden oft durch Nervenreizungen oder Nervenverletzungen im Operationsgebiet verursacht, die sich sonographisch nachweisen lassen. Eine erste Studie mit Probanden konnte die hohe Variabilität der Nervenverläufe in Unterschenkel und Fuss nachweisen. In einer weiteren Studie sollen Nervenverläufe identifiziert und auf der Haut markiert werden. Dies ermöglicht der Fusschirurgie, ihr Vorgehen anzupassen und Nervenschäden und postoperative neuropathische Schmerzen zu reduzieren.
At a Glance
Prevention of Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Key Collaborators
Project lead: Dr. med. David Lorenzana
Prof. Dr. med. Urs Eichenberger
Dr. med. Hagen Bomberg
PD Dr. med. Arnd Viehöfer
PD Dr. med. Stephan Wirth
Departments and Partners
Balgrist University Hospital:
Dept. of Anesthesiology
Foot and Ankle Surgery Unit
Clinical Relevance
Reduce nerve damage and post-operative neuropathic pain