Research in Neuro-Urology

Goodbye UTI: Pioneering Bladder Health with mTORUS

In mTORUS, we aim to revolutionize urinary health by exploring the microbiome and immunology of the urinary bladder. Based on the knowledge gained our goal is to develop innovative therapies, initially focusing on UTIs, setting the stage for tackling a range of urinary disorders.

Imagine a world where urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a thing of the past. That‘s the future mTORUS aims to create. The urinary bladder was long thought to be sterile, but modern sequencing techniques have revealed a complex community of microbes living in our urinary tract, known as the urinary microbiome. These microbes interact closely with the bladder epithelium and have significant interactions with the human immune system. All this is similar to the well-studied dynamics in the human gut. The implications of the microbiome and immune system, however, within the urinary bladder for health and disease are only beginning to be understood. mTORUS, which stands for “microbiome-based therapeutic options for recurrent
urinary symptoms”, is diving into this relatively unexplored territory. The goal? To fundamentally change how we care for patients by emphasizing the role of the microbiome and immune system in the urinary tract.

Our approach involves analyzing patient samples across different stages of urinary health and disease to uncover the microbiome‘s impact on urinary diseases and its interaction with the immune system. We aim to identify a core microbiome that defines a healthy state and to classify specific disruptions associated with various diseases, starting with UTIs as our model disease. The traditional method of treating UTIs with antbiotics often does more harm than good because the antibiotics kill beneficial microbes alongside harmful ones, leading to antibiotic resistance and disruption of the human microbita. mTORUS proposes a novel two-step strategy to circumvent these issues, known as a “push-pull” strategy. Initially, we plan to treat UTIs with bacteriophages (phages) — viruses that specifically target and eliminate bacteria, but do not affect human cells. Phages are very specific and selectively eliminate pathogens without aff ecting benefi cial bacteria. In order to enhance therapeutic effects, these phages will be genetically modified and specifically designed for uropathogens. This strategy creates available niches within the urinary tract that could potentially be occupied by new bacteria, including harmful pathogens. To prevent this, rather than leaving these niches to chance, we proactively introduce a benefi cial microbiome community, sourced from healthy human urine. This intentional transplantation aims to restore a balanced ecosystem, supporting the immune system and ensuring the urinary tract is better equipped to defend against future infections.

Realizing such an ambitious initiative requires many experts, knowledge, dedication, and patience. Data collection and patient sampling represent just the tip of the iceberg that is visible to our patients. Behind the scenes, complex data structure and sample processing workfl ows ensure the production of high-quality insights. Identified phages are genetically refined to target prevalent uropathogens. Meanwhile, beneficial bacteria isolated from patient samples are cultivated and tested in preclinical models, with close monitoring of the metabolites from bacteria and humans in various health conditions. The immune system's role within the bladder is further explored through biopsies from diverse patients. Advanced computer models will be used to analyze the data further to construct a detailed model of a healthy bladder. This will then inform personalized treatment plans based on each patient's unique microbiome, pushing the boundaries of personalized medicine. 

At this early stage, our focus is on accurately validating every small step from taking the sample through to receiving the data and optimizing each process to ensure that we are using high quality foundations as our basis. This precision allows us to refine therapies based on the knowledge we gain, propelling us toward our goal of transforming urinary health care. 

mTORUS is just the beginning, and the five-year project phase will be over quickly. To ensure the project's sustainability and future success, it is being spearheaded from the start by young talents, our Junior PIs. This strategy ensures that the knowledge and excellence generated are preserved, enabling future challenges to be tackled by a robust consortium in Zurich, built on a foundation of insights and expertise from earlier initiatives.

mTORUS: Neustart für die Gesundheit der Harnblase

mTORUS zielt darauf ab, Harnwegsinfektionen (HWIs) ein Ende zu setzen. Entdeckungen zeigen, dass der Harntrakt nicht steril ist, sondern wie der Darm viele Mikroorganismen beherbergt – das Mikrobiom der Harnblase. Dieses interagiert eng mit dem Immunsystem. mTORUS, kurz für «Mikrobiombasierte Therapeutische Optionen für Rezidivierende Harnwegssymptome», erforscht dieses Gebiet, um die Patientenversorgung durch Fokussierung auf Mikrobiom und Immunsystem grundlegend zu verändern. Durch die Analyse von Patientenproben wird der Einfluss des Mikrobioms und des Immunsystems auf Harnwegserkrankungen untersucht. Ziel ist es, ein gesundes Mikrobiom zu identifizieren und spezifische Mikrobiomveränderungen bei verschiedenen Krankheiten zu erkennen, als Erstes bei HWIs. Deren traditionelle Antibiotikumbehandlung schadet oft mehr, als sie nutzt.

mTORUS entwickelt eine zweistufige Strategie, beginnend mit der Behandlung durch Bakteriophagen, die gezielt schädliche Bakterien der Harnblase eliminieren, gefolgt von der Transplantation eines gesunden Mikrobioms, um ein ausgewogenes Ökosystem in der Harnblase und das Gleichgewicht mit dem Immunsystem wiederherzustellen. Die Realisierung dieses Vorhabens erfordert Expertise, Wissen, Hingabe und Geduld. Hinter den Kulissen sorgen komplexe Verarbeitungsabläufe für Erkenntnisse. Die gesammelten Daten bilden die Grundlage für individuelle Behandlungspläne, die das Ziel der personalisierten Medizin weiter vorantreiben. mTORUS macht hier den Anfang und soll in einer fünfjährigen Projektphase den Weg für zukünftige Herausforderungen ebnen sowie nachhaltige Gesundheitslösungen in Zürich und darüber hinaus schaffen.

At a Glance

mTORUS: Microbiome-based Therapeutic Options for Recurrent Urinary Symptoms

Principal Investigators (PIs)
Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Kessler
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Rätsch
Prof. Dr. Shinichi Sunagawa
Prof. Dr. Emma Slack
Prof. Dr. Martin J. Loessner
Prof. Dr. Onur Boyman
Prof. Dr. Nicola Zamboni
Prof. Dr. John McKinney

Junior PIs
Dr. Andre Kahles
PD Dr. med. Lorenz Leitner
Dr. Shawna McCallin
Dr. Alaz Oezcan

Departments and Partners
Balgrist University Hospital, Dept. of Neuro-Urology
ETH Zurich, Dept. of Computer Science, Inst. for Machine Learning
ETH Zurich, Dept. of Biology, Inst. of Microbiology
ETH Zurich, Dept. of Health Science and Technology,
Inst. of Food, Nutrition and Health
University Hospital Zurich, Dept. of Immunology
ETH Zurich, Dept. of Biology, Inst. of Molecular Systems Biology
EPFL Lausanne, Lab. of Microbiology and Microtechnology
University of Zurich

Clinical Relevance
mTORUS aims to transform UTI treatment by harnessing urinary microbiome insights to develop novel therapies, cutting down on antibiotic use and fostering personalized medicine approaches.

We gratefully acknowledge The LOOP Zurich and the Monique Dornonville de la Cour-Stiftung for their financial support of the ongoing mTORUS project.

Further Information
> mTORUS: Competence in microbiome modulation therapies