Balgrist Ecosystem – an Innovative Network for Musculosceletal Medicine

The Balgrist ecosystem is a network of cooperating organizations that are dedicated to providing the best medical care for patients with musculoskeletal problems. Through unparalleled combination of state-of-the-art infrastructures and technologies, the network creates the foundation for translational research, teaching and medical innovations.

Das Balgrist-Ökosystem ist ein Netzwerk, bestehend aus Klinik, Forschung, Innovation, Lehre und Start-ups, und schafft die Grundlage für die translationale Forschung und muskuloskelettale Medizin von heute und morgen.

The Swiss Balgrist Association – the Governing Body of the Balgrist University Hospital since 1909


Looking back on a history of over 112 years, the founders were dedicated to supporting physically disabled children. The Swiss Balgrist Association remains a charitable organization, a non-profit organization run according to economic principles, private institution. The Association's purpose is to promote the health of people with conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Working in cooperation with University of Zurich, ETH, and partner organizations, the Association also encourages research and teaching relating to the musculoskeletal system. Together with its research partners, Balgrist has medical excellence in the area of the musculoskeletal system at its disposal, which guarantees the University Hospital a top position internationally.


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Der Schweizerische Verein Balgrist bezweckt die Förderung der Gesundheit von Personen mit Leiden am Bewegungsapparat – gemeinnützig und nach betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundsätzen. In Kooperation mit der Universität Zürich, der ETH Zürich und weiteren Partnerorganisationen fördert er zudem die Lehre und Forschung am Bewegungsapparat.

The New Trial Center for Modern Research Management

Clinical Trial Unit Balgrist

The Clinical Trial Unit Balgrist, created in September 2024, is a further development of the already established Unit for Clinical and Applied Research (UCAR) and now offers its services to all Balgrist clinican
scientists and researchers. As an integral part of Balgrist University Hospital, it supports researchers in administration and creates harmonized, effi cient processes, enabling us to meet the demands of today's research community and the regulatory requirements for increasingly complex scientific initiatives.


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Die neu gegründete Clinical Trial Unit Balgrist ist eine Weiterentwicklung des bereits etablierten UCAR (Unit for Clinical and Applied Research) und unterstützt die Forschenden in der Administration, schafft harmonisierte Prozesse und trägt somit zur Effizienzsteigerung bei.

Connecting Minds, Advancing Musculoskeletal Care

Research and Innovation Node

Balgrist's Research & Innovation Node envisions building bridges both within and beyond Balgrist's translational cosmos. We foster a dynamic ecosystem by harmonizing research and innovation networks. The Node empowers the entire translational process and nurtures mutually benefi cial partnerships. By facilitating collaborations with clinical, academic, industry, and political stakeholders, the Node strengthens visibility and aids in securing funding and sponsorships for research, innovation, and training initiatives.

Further Information:
Dr. Flora Vajda
Head of Research and Innovation Node


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Der Research & Innovation Node agiert am Forschungsstandort Balgrist als wichtige Schnittstelle zwischen den verschiedenen Anspruchsgruppen. Er fördert die Translation und pflegt enge Beziehungen zu Partnern aus Klinik, Forschung, Wirtschaft und Politik.

Balgrist Beteiligungs AG – from Lab to Market

Innovation Management

Balgrist Beteiligungs AG supports researchers and start-ups within the Balgrist Ecosystem. It supports scientific research and developments in orthopedic medicine that are based directly on the needs of patients. Research is organized in start-ups for the development of new products. Balgrist Beteiligungs AG not only off ers fi nancial support, but also enables collaboration with relevant partners and provides access to business know-how. It cooperates closely with the Unitectra.


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Die Balgrist Beteiligungs AG begleitet die Forscherinnen und Forscher und deren Start-ups. Sie unterstützt die wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung in der orthopädischen Medizin, die sich unmittelbar an den Bedürfnissen der Patientinnen und Patienten orientiert.

ZuriMED is a Swiss start-up that spun off from Balgrist Biomechanics in 2015.
The company strives to revolutionize soft tissue repair in orthopedic sports medicine by developing breakthrough technologies and products. Their current focus lies in the augmentation of rotator cuff repair using their novel FiberLocker® System. 


25Segments is a plattform for supporting early-stage innovation projects of researchers and physicians, focused on implant developments and research. 


Emerging from a promising concept of spinal stabilization with tendon fi xations of spinal segments, Moving Spine aims to establish innovative treatment strategies, avoiding spinal fusions and keeping spinal segments moving. 


X23D delivers a real-time AI platform for surgical guidance, decision making and error prevention. Their novel artifi cial intelligence software engines provide the basis for a reimagined surgical navigation product that is “Accurate whilst simple”.

Incremed develops mixed reality products for surgery, such as SonoEyes and HoloNavigation, using artifi cial intelligence to advance diagnostics and therapeutic interventions across various medical disciplines. 


Augmedi's mission is to transform medical education by leveraging advanced AR technology and photorealistic 3D anatomical models. The company empowers medical students and professionals with a revolutionary AI-integrated learning platform for personalized experiences.


Open Platforms for Musculoskeletal Research

Balgrist Campus

Since 2017, Balgrist Campus has been a Research Institution of National Importance by the federal government. The Swiss Federal government has invested more than 30 million Swiss Francs over the last eight years in three Swiss Centers hosted as platforms at the Balgrist Campus: Biobanking, Imaging and Movement Analysis. Balgrist Campus is thus part of a unique national platform for musculoskeletal research, development, and translation.
The Swiss Centers for Musculoskeletal Imaging SCMI, Musculoskeletal Biobanking SCMB, and Movement Analysis SCMA form three pillars of a highly specialized open access research infrastructure at Balgrist Campus, which specialize in conducting studies, particularly in the field of musculoskeletal medicine. The three platforms are available for use by national and international research groups, start-ups and industry and are happy to support with their infrastructure and expertise.


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Seit 2017 ist der Balgrist Campus eine Forschungseinrichtung von nationaler Bedeutung. Das Zentrum für muskuloskelettale Forschung und Entwicklung erhielt vom Bund mehr als 30 Millionen Franken für die Infrastruktur und den Betrieb der neu zu errichtenden Open-Access- Forschungsplattformen: Swiss Center for Musculoskeletal Imaging (SCMI), Biobanking (SCMB) und Movement Analysis (SCMA). Der Balgrist Campus ist Teil einer einzigartigen nationalen Plattform für muskuloskelettale Forschung und Translation, und die drei Plattformen stehen nationalen und internationalen Forschungsgruppen, Start-ups und der Industrie zur Nutzung zur Verfügung.

Translational Center for Surgery

Operating Room X

The Operating Room X (OR-X) is an open-access center for surgical research and training. As a national research infrastructure, OR-X combines a highly realistic surgical environment with cutting-edge technology. At the heart of OR-X is a fully equipped operating room, designed for tomorrow's surgical research and training.
The 1,185 m2 OR-X core facility is located within Balgrist University Hospital. Visitors enter through a separate entrance, via a spectacular spiral staircase. The ultramodern OR-X enables the use of innovative technologies and ultimately transforms the standard of patient care. The lower floor houses the surgical infrastructure for research and training, where entire ex-vivo surgeries can be performed using human specimens. The rooms are equipped for all types of open, arthroscopic /endoscopic, computer-assisted, or robotic interventions. On the upper floor, there is a reception and welcome area, a waiting / recreation lounge, changing rooms with showers, as well as meeting and workspaces.


Kurzfassung auf Deutsch

Der Operating Room X (OR-X) an der Universitätsklinik Balgrist ist ein internationales Zentrum für chirurgische Forschung und Ausbildung. Die Anlage bietet auf einer Fläche von 1185 m² eine einzigartige Kombination aus realistischer Operationsumgebung und modernster Technologie. Hier werden nicht nur Ex-vivo-Operationen an menschlichen Proben durchgeführt, sondern auch offene, arthroskopische, endoskopische und robotergestützte Eingriffe trainiert. Besucherinnen und Besucher des OR-X betreten die Einrichtung über eine spektakuläre Wendeltreppe und erleben eine Atmosphäre, die dazu einlädt, die chirurgische Forschung und Ausbildung von morgen zu gestalten.